2010年7月23日 星期五

[marching music] 2010 Carolina Crown - CrownMINATE #1~#14

(Continuously Updated from 7/15)

維持這幾年相當多 body visual 的特色
彷彿 Blue Knight 一般,但又有自己的風格
hornline is pretty tough
或說 general effect 目前看起來還好.........

#1 Overview

#2 Visual for hornline

#3 Night off - A reward for finish the run through

#4 "Guard" work

#5 New drums arrived

#6 Hornline, weather

#7 Second home, the bus

#8 Set off on the road

#9 Montage

#10 "Gatorade" 開特力!

#11 Another day after the show night

#12 Idle talks

#13 The volunteer

#14 Why Crown

Opener, 6/19

